Remedial education is an instructional approach specifically designed to address learning gaps and academic challenges faced by students. When it comes to Children with Learning Difficulties like dyslexia / dysgraphia / dyscalculia, ADHD, Slow learners, Mild or borderline Intellectual disability, special children. Remedial education takes on a significant importance. Here’s key points concerning remedial education for special children:


Definition and Purpose

Remedial Education refers to teaching methods and practices designed to help students who are struggling to grasp concepts that are considered essential for their academic level. This refers to children with diverse needs, including those with learning disabilities, cognitive challenges, physical disabilities, and other developmental challenges.


Need for Remedial education

For special children, traditional education approaches might not always be effective due to their unique learning needs. Remedial education: Helps these students to catch up with their academic goals. Provides individualized attention and instruction. Targets and fulfil specific skill gaps or areas of difficulty.


Importance of collaboration

Parents, teachers and educators / therapists like occupational therapists, speech therapists, remedial educator, behaviour therapist or educational psychologists should work together to ensure that the child receives the necessary support.



Unfortunately, there can be a stigma attached to receiving remedial support, which can affect a child's self-esteem also.


Key components


It is vital to determine where the child's learning gaps or weaknesses lie. This can be done through diagnostic tests, observations, or standardized tests.

Personalized IEP

Every Child is unique, and their learning needs will differ. Hence instructions have to be tailored according to individual child’s need.

Regular Monitoring

Regular feedback and assessment will help in understanding the effectiveness of the remedial strategies being used.

Multisensory Approaches

Techniques that engage multiple senses can be very effective. For example, using visual aids, tactile experiences, and auditory cues can aid in comprehension



Academic improvement

Filling into learning gaps leads to better grades and academic success.

Improved Self-Esteem

Success and improvements leads to confidence grows.

Lifelong skills

Remedial education can provide skills that serve children throughout their lives, such as problem-solving, self-advocacy, and perseverance In conclusion, remedial education for special children plays an essential role in helping them overcome academic challenges and thrive in their educational journey. Given the right resources, training, and commitment, these children can achieve remarkable success.

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